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Showing posts from May, 2007

MUTANT SOUNDS: The (New) TG(Throbbing Gristle)-Vol.2,Tape,1976 recording/1982 release,UK

MUTANT SOUNDS: The (New) TG(Throbbing Gristle)-Vol.2,Tape,1976 recording/1982 release,उक अ रेदुन्दंत एंट्री बेकाउसे यू देसेर्वे थे वैरी बेस्ट ! A redundant entry here, because you deserve the very best. Scroll down and see the cover of the cassette , or follow the link.

MUTANT SOUNDS: Camera Obscura 3 & Die Form-Final Edition ,tape,1982,France/Germany

MUTANT SOUNDS: Camera Obscura 3 & Die Form-Final Edition ,tape,1982,France/Germany


Truly, this is recommended for anyone interested in the dubious, heroic and tragic history of the development of Alternative Music(s) in the early 80's/late '70's.. MUTANT SOUNDS: Camera Obscura 3 & Die Form-Final Edition ,tape,1982,France/Germany


M UTANT SOUNDS: GEEKS-IT'S NOT ABOUT NOTES ANYMORE, LP, 1979, USA yeah, Mutant Sounds is my favorite blog of the moment. Throbbin' Gristle, H.N.A.S., some Czech dissident/prog stuff, a lotta prog from europe and japan.... and some vintage Psych as well. Man, That MAMMUT L.P. is really something, and the cassettes, a great one of Camera Obscura/ Die Form. A split, I guess, One Side Each.

Attrition- 'Death House'

Attrition's legendary L.P. , 'Death House' from the Mutant Sounds Blog, uploaded to Badongo for pick up there and there. Do I know how the links work? Not Really. the password is 'deathhouse' for this , and for Geeks and for any african music that might be there. The thing is that I was downloading a lot of stuff from that Blog and from Direct Waves and from Awesome Tapes from Africa and from Last Days of Man on Earth . and felt I was running out of room, so uploaded a few things to Badongo. If you want the information, you need to go to the other blog(s)
backyard picture by Leah may 2007

..Venezuela Postcard

huh ?

who is that off to the side, ten steps back. It looks like Kim IL Jung in drag


॥ लेगेंदार्य द्ज फ्रॉम थे हेय्दय ऑफ़ जमैकां रेग्गे। हियर अरे सोम दिल्लिंगेर त्रच्क्स फ्रॉम सेवेरल येअस्र अगो हियर ऎंड ऎंड हियर