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KEATS RIDES A HARLEY ( various ) a review of the CD .  geez, I barely remember this one. (looking for a picture or something to add, now)   But there it was at STRAND, for $1.95 ..   I did a quick check to make sure it wasn't poetry (yuck..) or spoken word (yuk!), and away we go.    Quite reminiscent of Red Spo t , or Chunks , if those Compilations are familiar.   And apparently Keats was the guy's goldfish.    Great, old tracks   by   LEAVING TRAINS ,   MEAT  PUPPETS ,   the URINALS ,   TOXIC SHOCK , and... ( yes, its a west coast comp .). Actually, it says here, it's all from the nascent Redondo Beach 'scene' of, like 1980, 1981. Many of the recordings were done in like parking garages and places like that.  Great, Uneven sound quality, and No Spoken Word ! Rating :****** 💙💙💙💙💙💙 Six stars and worth it all  Later, I may write a proper review....

classic DIllinger album

READY NATTIE DREADIE http://www। रेडी नाती द्रेअद्दिए

जेम्स ब्रोवं : हेल ल.प.

You deserve it. यू देसेर्वे इत (हेल). JAMES BROWN : "HELL" L.P.

Radio Birdman

whew !! Just saw a great show the other day, courtesy of WFMU , and Terre T., who has that excellent show on saturdays. (Some of the theatre staff acted like they never heard of this legendary local station, which was amusing in itself) but man those guys cooked. classic Austalian late 70s punk, admittedly of the commercial variety but not like pop-punk.

Farenheit 911

जुस्त इन केस यू हवीं'त सीन थिस येत। मिचेल मूर'एस "फेन्हेइत ९११" Farenheit 911

MUTANT SOUNDS: The (New) TG(Throbbing Gristle)-Vol.2,Tape,1976 recording/1982 release,UK

MUTANT SOUNDS: The (New) TG(Throbbing Gristle)-Vol.2,Tape,1976 recording/1982 release,उक अ रेदुन्दंत एंट्री बेकाउसे यू देसेर्वे थे वैरी बेस्ट ! A redundant entry here, because you deserve the very best. Scroll down and see the cover of the cassette , or follow the link.

MUTANT SOUNDS: Camera Obscura 3 & Die Form-Final Edition ,tape,1982,France/Germany

MUTANT SOUNDS: Camera Obscura 3 & Die Form-Final Edition ,tape,1982,France/Germany


Truly, this is recommended for anyone interested in the dubious, heroic and tragic history of the development of Alternative Music(s) in the early 80's/late '70's.. MUTANT SOUNDS: Camera Obscura 3 & Die Form-Final Edition ,tape,1982,France/Germany


M UTANT SOUNDS: GEEKS-IT'S NOT ABOUT NOTES ANYMORE, LP, 1979, USA yeah, Mutant Sounds is my favorite blog of the moment. Throbbin' Gristle, H.N.A.S., some Czech dissident/prog stuff, a lotta prog from europe and japan.... and some vintage Psych as well. Man, That MAMMUT L.P. is really something, and the cassettes, a great one of Camera Obscura/ Die Form. A split, I guess, One Side Each.

Attrition- 'Death House'

Attrition's legendary L.P. , 'Death House' from the Mutant Sounds Blog, uploaded to Badongo for pick up there and there. Do I know how the links work? Not Really. the password is 'deathhouse' for this , and for Geeks and for any african music that might be there. The thing is that I was downloading a lot of stuff from that Blog and from Direct Waves and from Awesome Tapes from Africa and from Last Days of Man on Earth . and felt I was running out of room, so uploaded a few things to Badongo. If you want the information, you need to go to the other blog(s)
backyard picture by Leah may 2007

..Venezuela Postcard

huh ?

who is that off to the side, ten steps back. It looks like Kim IL Jung in drag


॥ लेगेंदार्य द्ज फ्रॉम थे हेय्दय ऑफ़ जमैकां रेग्गे। हियर अरे सोम दिल्लिंगेर त्रच्क्स फ्रॉम सेवेरल येअस्र अगो हियर ऎंड ऎंड हियर

An AFFLICTED MAN'S MUSICA BOX Legendary Compilation from the United Diaries label folks. 1982.. nice. (the password is 'deathhouse' if you need it..... OR LINK HERE and here and..... (this comes from Direct Waves, or from Mutant Sounds. Two great Blogs.

Wa Ha Ha 12 inch

This japanese dada-Prog Art outfit's 12 inch from several years ago showed up on the Mutant Sounds Blog. I would say it's well worth checking out sooner rather than later.......................... तिस जपनेसे दादा-प्रोग आर्ट ऑउत्फित'एस १२ इंच फ्रॉम सेवेरल येअर्स अगो शोवेद उप ओं थे मुतंत सौन्ड्स ब्लोग. इ वौल्ड से आईटी'एस वेल्ल वोर्थ चेच्किंग आउट सूनेर रठेर थान लेटर..........................
OLD PIECE FROM MWC News May 16 2005 ECUADOR GETS CHAVEZ'D By Greg Palast By Greg PalastImage [Quito] George Bush has someone new to hate. Only twenty-four hours after Ecuador's new president took his oath of office, he was hit by a diplomatic cruise missile fired all the way from Lithuania by Condeleeza Rice, and then wandering about Eastern Europe spreading "democracy." Condi called for? a constitutional process to get to elections? this came as a bit of a shock to the man who'd already been constitutionally elected, Alfredo Palacio. What had Palacio done to get our Secretary of State's political knickers in a twist? It's the oil--and the bonds. This nation of only 13 million souls at the world's belly button is rich, sitting on at least 4.4 billion barrels of oil in known reserves, and probably much more. Yet 60 percent of its citizens live in brutal poverty; a lucky minority earns the "minimum" wage of $153 a month. The obvious soluti...

TO REMEMBER SPAIN by Murray Bookchin

This is an excellent analysis of the Spanish Anarchist/Syndicalist movement in a couple essays that outline the organic agrarian origins of the movement in Spain, and paint the context for us. Spain's civil war was not merely a prelude to World War II, because besides the armed conflict with Franco's forces there was an extensive and spontaneous collectivization process occurring throughout the country. There was, in fact, a real social revolution occurring in the countryside. This book has some discussion of the liberals' fear of the working class and the treachery of the Communist Party and Comintern. The late Mr. Bookchin also characterizes Spain's revolution as the last of the great, classical worker-peasant revolutions. A small book worth looking at.

XEX: "Group: XEX" CD (a review)

Long ago in the late 70's/early 80's there were synth bands using electronics (the Casio,I guess? anyway, this was later than the time of the m00g) as well as conventional electric guitar/ drums/bass and producing a kind of antsy,agitated type of pop that was sometimes labeled as avant garde or 'alternative'. well, here in America we always need a label for everything. Anyway, this stuff was a lotta fun in small doses. Some great outfits that spring to mind now are VOICE FARM, the MONDELLOS, LOS MICROWAVES, and PINK SECTION. At the time I thought of much of this genre as very..West Coast. At around this same time there was a band, XEX, that had a cassette circulating called "Steel Negro Music". I never hear this tape, but the mail -order house that was carrying it had a lot of San Francisco music, so I must be forgiven for assuming that this was a west-coast band. Much time passed and the Frisco underground of 1979-1983 passed into legend. Now I get this... follow link above -for- BOOKS ON TAPE - Live at the King CLub {C/O ARCHIVE.ORG}